Wednesday, July 31, 2013

3 Tips for a Successful Unplugged Vacation

Whether it’s a vacation or a staycation, ramp up the relaxation by getting away from technology overload. Even if you can’t travel to a place with no cell service or Wi-Fi, you can still unplug and enjoy. Arm yourself with some survival tips for dealing with the urge to pull out your smartphone and have a wonderful time.


In honor of all the trips we've been taking lately and just general summer fun, I have a guest blogger today!
I LOVE this post because I struggle with this A LOT. Enjoy!

Barbara Boser is a Presidential Diamond Distributor with It Works Global.  She has built her business online since March of 2009 and spends her time helping people get healthier and wealthier.  Her favorite past time is traveling and she resides in Los Angeles, CA.


Go Off The Grid
A Prosper Mobile Insights survey found that nearly 80 percent of mobile users brought and used their tablet or smartphone while on vacation. If you’re an Internet power user and you just can’t help yourself, choose a place where you simply cannot connect to the web, no matter what. Plenty of popular eco-tourism destinations offer this benefit. Some have electricity and other conveniences, while others will have you roughing it in nature. If you want to get off the grid cheaply, it’s pretty simple. Buy a tent, head to the nearest state park campground and leave your tech gadgets back at home. If you’re worried about making emergency calls, grab an inexpensive, disposable phone.

Schedule Tech Time
If you don’t want to commune with nature and no 4G, but you do want your kids to stop texting long enough to enjoy some family time, then make a schedule. One hour a day is plenty for most people to catch up on Facebook and clear out their emails. If you have kids, choose a time of day appropriate for them to chat with friends, like the hour after dinner. This can let everyone have a break from each other at the end of long days. Choosing an early evening time also keeps you from viewing bright screens too late at night, which prevents proper melatonin production and interrupts sleep.

Survival Tips
Whether you go off the grid completely or just set some parameters for tech use, here are some helpful tips to keep you on track and off your phone.

       Wear a watch. So many of us don’t wear a watch anymore. We check the time on our smartphones. If you’re going gadget-free, make sure to wear a watch, not only so you’ll be able to check the time, but also fight the urge to look at your phone at all.
       Set a vacation email response for work and personal accounts. Make sure your response includes your return date or the date you intend to reply by. This ensures that no matter how important the email is, the sender will know why you haven’t responded and when to expect to hear back from you. This goes for voicemail, too.
       Pack a camera. If you tend to take snapshots with your smartphone, you’ll need an alternative. If you don’t already own one, simple point-and-shoot digital cameras are very affordable now. Plus, you’ll have it on hand for your next tech-free trip. If you don’t want to buy a new camera, you could skip taking any photos at all and simply enjoy the beautiful memories.
       Bring a paperback. Remember flipping paper pages? Tucking a book into your beach bag? Yes, that. So many e-readers are capable of web browsing. If that temptation isn’t too much for you, using the device may still kick your brain into “tech mode,” so consider hitting the local library or bookstore on your way to destination.
       Change your passwords.  Have your family members change each others passwords and keep them a secret until you return home.  Not being able to log in to Facebook or Twitter or even your email can cure the temptation.
       Buy a map. Try finding the locations that you want to see without following the little blue dot around.

Most importantly, stick to your decision to get away from technology. You’re just “one, quick email” away from transforming your entire mindset away from relaxed, vacation mode to work mode.


Told you! Great Post! Ah I have to really work on this. Thank your for giving me a bloggy break today, Barbara!
Don't forget to check out Barbara on her It Works Global site and Facebook.

Vacation on your mind now? Check out my Charleston to Bahamas Carnival Cruise post for a good laugh and some pretty pictures. :)

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