Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Reasons You Should Love Shaklee {Non-Toxic Tuesday}

These days I'm a Work At Home Mom (WAHM) and I freaking LOVE it! I help families get healthier by using the BEST and cheapest green cleaners on the market. Back when I first started blogging about 3 years ago, I stumbled upon Shaklee and Project Dream International and fell head over heels in love.

So why am I writing about this now? In honor of the Shaklee new year, we are giving away FREE membership with the purchase of ANY product!

Why do you care? Let me count the ways...

1. Shaklee cleaners are non-toxic! This means that J can clean with me and I never have to worry. Have you ever sprayed your windows or mirrors down and then choked on the extra that fills the air? Gross. I never have to worry about what I'm breathing in with Shaklee.

I mean it when I say that I clean everything from my baby (J) to my car to my house to my floors with BasicH2- and it is WAY cheaper than store bought cleaners!

2. It Always Works! Shaklee is the absolute best cleaner I have ever used, including traditional and many organic store-bought cleaners. I was so tired of just guessing which bottle would work from the store shelf. With Shaklee I know I'll have clean results every time. :)


3. Feel like a celebrity! Do you ever see a product that a celebrity is wearing/using and wish you could afford it? Be honest! We all have a case of envy every now and then. Shaklee is way cheaper than most cleaners and yet used by so many celebrities, including Oprah and it is even the cleaner used in the White House and the VP's home. You heard me right! They wanted to go green and knew Shaklee was the best choice! So cool.

4. It's helping me lose weight! :) I'll write more about this later or you can go to the HappyBody 180 Challenge to learn more.

and 5. Shaklee has amazing company values! Have you noticed how many companies give donations to charities that have nothing to do with their actual business? I find it infuriating! I just want to purchase a product and not have to worry about my money filtering to a cause that I'm against. I happen to be pretty passionate about a few things! :) Shaklee gives a lot to natural disaster relief efforts (even paired up with Gwyneth Paltrow recently) and a few other Earth related charities. And the buck stops there!

What are you waiting for? Go get your Get Clean kit now!

Save your lungs, $3400, and 108 lbs. of packaging from landfills!

Don't forget to add the membership at checkout- Membership is a one time thing that lasts FOR LIFE. There is no renewal, no fees, no mandatory minimum orders. You could order a tube of chapstick today and not order for another 50 years and that membership will still be there for you. :)

Happy Non-Toxic Cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. How have I never heard of Shaklee before? I use natural cleaners but none work very well. With 2 kids I don't want chemicals in the house. It's hilarious that you talked about using what the celebrities use...we're all thinking it even if we won't admit it! ;) Thanks for this post!


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