Wednesday, July 3, 2013

3 Last-Minute, Patriotic Party Foods

Happy (almost) 4th of July! I've never really gone all out for the 4th, but it is definitely one of my favorite days of the year. I just love how everyone around you has this sense of pride and love, regardless of religion, race, politics, etc... So to keep down on the stress, don't worry that you're just now looking for food ideas! These 3 last-minute patriotic foods have you covered. :)

1. Flag Fruit Kabob
I made this a few years back in a matter of minutes and it was the ONLY thing completely eaten at the party. Yay, no clean up!

2. Flag Fruit and Cheese Plate
This is so pretty! I might be doing this one this year! Thank you, the Better Mom. :)

3. Patriotic Strawberries
YUM, Sisters Cafe!!! I bet the kids will eat these!

These are awesome! I hope you found one that you like and have the time. Most importantly... Have fun tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Flag Fruit and Cheese Plate!

    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!


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