Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Organic Pressure Washing {Non-Toxic Tuesday}

I thought we might make it till the end of the summer to have to pressure wash our house, but it's already looking awful! These are the pictures from last fall. Warning: Before pictures are embarrassingly dirty. Oops. You might have caught on by now that I'm going to be using Basic H2 and Basic G to get the job done. Yeah, I heart Shaklee. :)

Get your pressure washer out and grab your Basic H2 and Basic G! I squeezed a good bit of Basic H2 in the bucket (still not enough to touch the bottle) and then a few splashes of Basic G. This was Kent's first time ever pressure washing so it isn't perfect, but I think he did an amazing job.

Gorgeous again, right?!?! My dad was convinced we'd have to go out and buy bleach, but I knew Basic H2 and Basic G could do the job without all the toxic grossness!

J and I had a blast passing the football in the front yard while Kent pressure washed and I never had to worry about bleach mist getting on us. :)

Remember: Shaklee is offering FREE Lifetime Membership in the month of July with any purchase! I think every house should be saving money with Basic H2 and G, but if you'd like to take your non-toxic efforts another step forward,
I recommend a Get Clean kit, which can save you up to $3400!

Happy Cleaning!


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