Friday, June 14, 2013

La Tela Pizzeria {Foodie Friday}

Kent and I stumbled upon La Tela Pizzaria on Johns Island (by Kiawah) months ago and I've been dreaming about going back ever since. Outside of of my amazing Chicago pizza experience- this is the best pizza EVER. Get your butt there asap!

Ready for a post about the most amazing pizza in a 100 mile radius of Charleston WITH a lot of gratuitous pictures???

Okay, well I am...

I present to you the "Ricotta Pizza"- Ricotta, caramelized onions, pecorino romano, mozzarella, sausage... slices of heaven complete with gooey ricotta clouds.

But let me back up for a second. Not only is the pizza the most amazing pizza ever, but the restaurant itself is the cutest family atmosphere. Which I had no idea about till we left because we sat at a cute little table by the windows... and the bar. Who are we to keep a bartender from making some money?

Oh yeah, and that bread. Squishy. Warm. Yummy oil. Amaz... Okay, I'll be honest- the bread was not too much better than Wonderbread with some good oil. But really you're about to eat a ton of pizza, so no big deal skipping the bread. But if you're really missing the extra carbs, order another round of prosecco. ;)

5 points for cute presentation though!

Okay, one last picture of that amazing pizza...

And in case you thought it might be awkward to take pictures of your food while out to eat- don't test me. Kent did and I ended the evening taking pictures over his shoulder of the shrimp pizza next to us. I want that one too!

Your turn! GoogleMaps and Go! 133 Village Green Drive Johns Island, SC 29455

La Tela Pizzeria on Urbanspoon


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