Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Arrow Painted Ceiling {DIY}

Have you been through the WAHM Office Tour yet? If you have, I'm guessing you noticed that arrow painted ceiling! I'm so excited to share this with y'all today. :) When we bought this house EVERY room was painted in crazy colors. We're still not done painting over each room yet, but the office was a big start! Here's the before...

And here's my after...

Aw so much lighter! :)

The previous owners painted the room a rusty orange (which I realize the rug in the tv-man-cave part of the room now matches. ha!) and the ceiling a metallic blue.The orange walls had to go! But I wasn't quite up to painting the whole ceiling- and it was pretty cool being metallic.

What better way to accentuate metallic paint, than with gloss and glitter!?!?

{pardon the bad pictures, most was done at night}

Begin by taping off 3 sections...


Then you are going to need to find a good piece of cardboard, mark off how many inches wide you want each section to be, add an inch in there for the tape size, and then get to marking off the tape! (our ceiling sections get smaller as you walk into the room, it creates a really neat effect when you look at it sitting at my desk)

Now get to priming! Try to paint kind of within the lines. See the section on the far right? Kent painted right over all the tape- that makes finding the sections for alternating colors very hard to do!

Now decide on a pattern and get to glossing...

Next up I filled in the turquoise...

The last part is to add the glitter! :) Mix glitter into a cup of mod podge. You won't be able to see the glitter once it's mixed, but it will work once it's dry.

I used a sponge brush to paint on the mod podge. See how it glitters once dry!

All that's left to do is pull the tape off! Hint: Try pulling in the opposite direction of how you taped it, so it comes off as one big line.

See... metallic, glitter, and gloss! :)

Ahh! So much better! I love my office! :) So what do you think?... Would you dare to paint a ceiling with metallic, glitter, and gloss???

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking up to these awesome party people.


  1. wow, what a neat way to highlight that architecture! great job!

  2. Hi Alison! Just hopped over from the link party and A) we have the same middle name and B) you'll know why I'm obsessed with what you did after you come to my blog! I LOVE arrows! You are definitely very creative and I can't wait to look around your blog a bit more. :)

  3. Amazing transformation! I'm your newest follower from MBC and would love a follow back at You can also follow me on Pinterest (in my sidebar). I follow back all of my Pinterest followers :)

  4. This is SO amazing!! Sharing on G+! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Take care,


  5. Looks awesome! So cool that you made the original ceiling work for you. It's such a great focal point now, and I didn't even notice it in the before. Great work Alison!



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