Friday, August 16, 2013

Bloggy mini Break - Getting My Fitness On

Hi friends! I've been away for almost two weeks now. :( And I have so many great posts planned and so much to share, but the break is going to last at least into next week too. Maybe. We'll see. Here's the deal... I'm on this really fabulous weight loss journey that peaked my interest in fitness.

So about 6 months ago I bought a Groupon for one of the certified personal training classes and certifications. Any CPT out there may be rolling your eyes right now because no it is not from one of the top providers. But I'm not doing it for other people (not at the moment anyways). I'm doing this for me to learn more about health, fitness, and my body.

Unfortunately I've spent the last 6 months pretty wrapped up in my job(s), lay off(s), and new business. The package expires in 11 days. Not sure if it's even possible for me to do this in time, but I am definitely going to try!!! It means a lot to me and I know y'all understand.
Hopefully I can schedule out the studying easily enough and get some blog posts out soon- I have great fun to share with y'all- camping, hiking, eating, exploring, painting, shopping, etc. I promise to be back asap!!! :)

P.S. You can always keep up with me on Facebook and Instagram (happyalison180)! And if you live in the Charleston area and are interested in weight loss and having a walking and accountability group, I would love for you to join me at the Charleston Body Turnaround!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome Alison! I cant wait to read more about your journey to the "best you" you can be! Good luck lady! ~Leah~


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